Appeal to support for Maharashtra Flood Relief
In India please click here to donate: https://rzp.io/l/mahafloodrelief
The incessant rains in Maharashtra over the last one week have wrecked havoc.
Widespread floods have been reported across many districts. The worst-hit districts were Kolhapur, Raigad, Sangli, Ratnagiri, Satara, Sindhudurg, Mumbai, and Thane, hitting a total of 890 villages.
Over 100,000 people have been displaced and are without proper shelter, food and medical help.
IAHV in partnership with Art of Living Foundation is responding to this situation.and have already started relief work. We appeal for your generous support in our efforts.
Your financial support would go towards offering food, clean water, hygiene & shelter kit, medical aid and help rehabilitate flood-affected survivors.
IAHV is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All contributions are fully tax-deductible. Please donate generously.